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Inclusive programming, featuring:

  • Line numbers, to help readers keep their place;

  • Number of lines for each character indicated at the start of each play, so readers know how much reading each character requires;

  • Non-speaking roles offered for those non-readers who still wish to participate;

  • Transliterated Hebrew names and terms;

  • Review and thought questions following each play to spur further discussion and deeper dives.

Schools and Shuls love "TTL!"

“Students and parents alike eagerly look forward to [“Torah Time Live!”] explaining and interpreting the Torah portion each week, and find themselves enriched not only with knowledge of the weekly parasha, but also stronger in their reading and public speaking abilities….”


-- Michelle Weiss Hilburn, fmr. Religious Education Director

Congregation Etz Hayim, Arlington, VA

"Torah Time Live!" Parashah Plays


“Torah Time Live!” remains one of the keystones and most popular products of Kikayon Productions.  Funny, original, and creative plays for grades 5 and up, TTL plays retell stories from each and every weekly Torah portion.  These plays are written like a radio teleplay, with an opening and closing theme song and a narrator throughout.  They are a proven tool for teaching Torah stories non-frontally, such that students remember and understand the stories to recall them in future activities.


​They can be read right off the page with no preparation.  Just figure out who’s playing which part, and the kids will do the rest.  Of course, you can also have the kids practice the play and perform it later for other students, parents, congregational events, or anywhere else you’d like. Each play runs at least 7 pages and usually lasts no longer than 15 minutes when performed.  And the thought questions following the plays help further discussion and spur deeper dives into the material.

​Moreover, the plays provide an interactive, experiential method of learning that involves the kids themselves.  Pick a student to direct the show; have them make their own props; if someone’s shy or doesn’t like reading aloud, let them make sound effects throughout.  What’s most important is that, after performing in one of the “Torah Time Live!“ plays, students retain the information – the plots, the characters relationships, the moral lessons – internalizing these stories and recalling them later in other class activities and discussion. 

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