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All packages are 1/3 off the cover price!

NEW FOR 2024/5785:

Whether your group says "Moshe" or "Moses", we've got you covered!

We now offer 2 versions of each Torah Time Live! parashah play program for grades 4 and up. One has the characters' names in Hebrew transliteration, and the other has the characters' names in English. The play's the same, just the characters' names and signs are adjusted for you. Check out either our "Hebrew names" or "English names" editions, whichever works best for you.

We have drama-based programming covering Torah portions all year 'round. Our programs teach both the Torah portion of that Shabbat or holiday as well as a middah or Jewish ethic of the day. These teaching modules may be staff or lay-led, are entirely flexible based on your program structure, and work well in junior congregations, youth groups, classrooms, or any Jewish educational venue.

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